Thursday 20 October 2016

Rightfulls and sinners.

Actually i am not reading nothing different to the texts of my career (A sad thing, i know). When i have some free time or the breaks between archaeology papers, i like to read about doubts that i have the history of the war. I am subscribed in Facebook to some pages about universal history, in particular about the World War Two. For example, i remember an article about the deploy of the german army in the Spanish Civil War, in the early 30’s of the past century. It’s called “The test war”, Germans and italians did participated in this war giving logistic support, airstrikes, training and modern gear to the ultra-nationalist spanish party, the Franco’s group side, creating a special group called “Legion Condor”. This fact it's important because the axis members did put in they first test fire some new weapons, technologies and tactics, for the eventual war with Poland and the URSS, that we know like the World War Two. They tested tanks in massive scale, airborne movements, new airplanes like the bombers that were used to bombing the Guernica town, strike that was portrayed by Pablo Picasso in his famous paint. The Franquist party said to the germans that in the river near of Guernica it were some republican fortified positions and that they need air support, given them the grids where to strike. Then, the germans bombers did destroy the whole town, killing and wounding a lot of civilians. Never was confirmed that were republican soldiers in Guernica, but that didn't care to the germans. They had tested they planes, ready for drop more bombs, now in the rest of Europe and in Africa.

Guernica paint, by Pablo Picasso

Heinkel He-111 Bomber dropping his cargo

Wednesday 19 October 2016

A unknown knowed

Flavio is a friend that i know him from above 3 years ago in the Internet. We knew each other in the context of a online game, which we had played it for a few months, before to stop the game,for my first year in the university and also because his PC was broken. We start to chat frequently above 1 year and half later, when we rejoin to play that game. In that context, in the winter of the last year, i did a travel to the north of Chile with other friend. Were magical weeks, until the return, where we were with very few money. So, we were in a truck stop in middle of a industrial district at the south exit of Antofagasta and our only hope to come to Santiago in that same night was take a bus in that truck stop, and probably the bus crew will charge our money left, but it was insufficient. So i called to Flavio, without has been saw it never in my life, and only knowing him by internet. I thought in he like the first option in my mind, i don't know why. And when i tell him my situation, he lend me money for the travel to Santiago, and that for me was a very great and special sample of friendship. We knew each other in person a few months later, in the spring, when i go to a congress about Archaeology in Concepcion, the place where he lives. He was a great guide and a trusty friend. He came to Santiago for a musical concert in the winter of this year and we had shared a couple of days walking in the city. We still playing things in internet, so i just saw him just two times in my life, but i feel in he a true friend.

Thursday 13 October 2016


I have received many gifts in my life. I think that is some lucky thing if we consider the capitalist worldwide system in which we live. The main gift that i get in my mind right now, is the experience, gives from someone to a complete stranger, being in the next situation like a true lighthouse in middle of a dark sea.
In my lasts 5 years, i have done various travels in different places in Chile. This travels has been always in a hitchhiking mode. When i get in the truck/car/chart/boat from a stranger, i always procure do a pleasant chat with this other, and in that way, he/she become in someone, with a name and a own story. I had been lucky because i always find great people that naturally shares they experiences and memories. Is something magical, and magical it seems a very small word for that. In that moment, in the cockpit or the rear compartment, i am travelling to a future place, being placed in a present moment and time and talking about past memories that we preserve for share, even when we did not know it. In those chats, i received tips, jokes, travel routes, peoples, faces, unknowns places, food, even money, or even and more valious, a sincerely goodbye.
That is a mean from time, from they own time. When they have the will of share they own time and space with a absolutely stanger, is the moment where a part of what be a human being means truthly. I keep those gift in my own form to take viewpoints and build or deconstruct to myself.